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Custom path following and AI for vehicles in Unreal Engine.

I found this pretty interesting approach to archive a realistic vehicle ai in the unreal engine.


  • Vehicles can move to a target using the MoveTo functions
  • Tank drive and tank movement with the navigation mesh


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Best Source Control for game development: The Verdict

This is part of a series of posts on source control for game development. Read more in the Blog.

Available Options

So far we’ve been studying in-depth 4 of the most popular source control options for game development.

  • Git, very popular outside of Games, but its regular downsides become showstoppers for game development at scale.
  • Perforce, the game industry standard, very expensive but the best option for dealing with large and complex projects.
  • PlasticSCM, a very promising competitor to Perforce. Much better than SVN, but comes with a price tag.
  • Subversion (SVN), a very solid option for small to medium projects, free and open-source.

Why do I see those as being the most popular?

Read further on ….

Source: https://kahncode.com/2020/05/05/source-control-for-game-development-the-verdict/

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Valheim Dedicated Server (Linux)

Hi folks,

here is a short instruction to install and run a dedicated Valheim server on linux:


Create a user account named steam to run SteamCMD safely, isolating it from the rest of the operating system. Do not run steamcmd while operating as the root user – to do so is a security risk.

useradd -m steam

cd /home/steam

It’s recommended to install the SteamCMD package from your distribution repositories, if available

sudo apt install steamcmd

Run steamcmd in console


Login anonymous or with your account

login anonymous


login <username>

Set your app install directory

force_install_dir <path>

Update and validate Valheim

app_update 896660 validate

quit steamcmd


Note: currently its heavy cpu loaded to host a dedicated server!

further information on installing dedicated servers:


Known issues:

failed to init SDL thread priority manager: SDL not found


sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-0:i386

Run Valheim Server:

Open the path where you installed the dedicated server

you will find a couple of files including a manual.pdf

sudo nano or sudo vim  start_server.sh

Now you will see this and you can set your server name and password:

export templdpath=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export SteamAppId=892970

Tip: Make a local copy of this script to avoid it being overwritten by steam.

NOTE: Minimum password length is 5 characters & Password cant be in the server name.

NOTE: You need to make sure the ports 2456-2458 is being forwarded to your server through your local router & firewall.

./valheim_server.x86_64 -name "My Server Name" -port 2456 -world "Dedicated" -password "My Password" -public 1 > /dev/null &

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$templdpath

echo "Server started"
echo ""
read -p "Press RETURN to stop server"
echo 1 > server_exit.drp

echo "Server exit signal set"
echo "You can now close this terminal"

To run the server:


Have fun with your dedicated Valheim server!

Interessante Beiträge

Why Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) Will Be a Game Changer

By Ryan L’Italien

Unreal Engine is one of the most popular game engines. And the newest version — Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) — is expected to be a game changer. In this blog, we break down why — and what we’re excited about.

What Is Unreal Engine 5?

Unreal Engine 5 is the forthcoming version of Unreal Engine, expected in 2021.

There is a lot of excitement around Unreal Engine 5. In our recent survey of 500+ game development professionals, we heard may predictions for the impact of UE5 on game development in the 2020s.


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DAIN (Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation)

Project | Paper

Wenbo Bao, Wei-Sheng Lai, Chao Ma, Xiaoyun Zhang, Zhiyong Gao, and Ming-Hsuan Yang

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Long Beach, CVPR 2019

This work is developed based on our TPAMI work MEMC-Net, where we propose the adaptive warping layer. Please also consider referring to it.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Citation
  3. Requirements and Dependencies
  4. Installation
  5. Testing Pre-trained Models
  6. Downloading Results
  7. Slow-motion Generation
  8. Training New Models
  9. Google Colab Demo


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Making Swarm work in Unreal Engine 4.24


Making Swarm work in Unreal Engine 4.24

15, Apr 2020 Jeff Brown

If you have ended up here because you’re trying to render your lightmaps via Swarm on multiple machines, you just might be in luck. Here’s how I got it working with my system/network

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How to rig vehicle in Blender 2.8 for UE4

How to rig vehicle in Blender 2.8 for UE4

by Arthur Ontuzhan

Table of contents


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DReCon: Data-Driven Responsive Control of Physics-Based Characters

KEVIN BERGAMIN,McGill University, Canada

SIMON CLAVET,Ubisot La Forge, Canada

DANIEL HOLDEN,Ubisot La Forge, Canada

JAMES RICHARD FORBES,McGill University, Canada

Interactive control of self-balancing, physically simulated humanoids is along standing problem in the ield of real-time character animation. Whilephysical simulation guarantees realistic interactions in the virtual world,simulated characters can appear unnatural if they perform unusual move-ments in order to maintain balance..


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Retro : The Sega Saturn and Transparency


The Sega Saturn is notorious for not being able to pull off transparency effects as well as its competitors. But the Saturn does do proper transparency effects as many games demonstrate. So why did so many developers so often settle on the “mesh” approach in their Saturn games?

This article is based on a YouTube video made by Low Score Boy. See the thank you section at the bottom of this post.

Interessante Beiträge

research article: 3D Thermal Imaging: Fusion of Thermography and Depth Cameras

This work presents an approach to automatically create 3D thermal models using multi-perspective
measurements with a multimodal camera system consisting of a thermal camera and a depth camera. Additional
attributes such as color can also be added to the model. The paper centers its attention on the geometrical calibration of
the cameras and the validation of the results. The design of an adequate calibration target is discussed and different
options are evaluated. To expose the applicability of the approach two inspection tasks are used as examples…[read further]


Quelle : http://www.ndt.net/article/qirt2014/papers/QIRT-2014-035.pdf